Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Driving in England

Peter: All I do all week is drive around England. There are just so many cars on the road over here. You are probably never more thean 50m away from another car. Quite often accidents will cause major traffic chaos and it is not uncommon to be stuck in a traffic jam for a couple of hours. Tailbacks from accidents go for miles. A few mornings I have started work at 4.00 am and there is still plenty of cars and trucks (or lorries as they are called over here) on the road. last week I did 1600 miles in the week. I went from Bournemouth in the south of England one day to Cardiff in Wales the next day to Cumbria near Scotland the next. At least I am still getting to see a lot ofEngland. The trip to Cumbria was interesting. Driving back I had to go through a snow blizzard. the road I went on was closed about 15 mins after I left it. Another morning I left for work and it was -6 degrees. There have only been a few days below zero and the kids haven't seen it snow yet it Huntingdon. The winter is fairly mild for over hear.

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