Wednesday, February 6, 2008


Lauren: On Christmas Eve we all went around to Steve and Sarah’s house for a Christmas quiz and we were in teams of 4. Later when we went home we stayed up for a bit and then went to bed. I slept on the floor because Andrew didn’t want to sleep up in the top bunk. We woke up at about 5:30am and opened the presents on the end of our beds and later fell back to sleep. I got a monkey teddy, Andrew got a ball maze thing and Natalie got a set of 6 dog teddies. We then woke up again at 7:50 and got up. Me and Natalie had a shower and went down stairs to open our presents. I got a winnie the pooh box, 2 puzzles, a drawing book, a magic eye book, sweets, clothes any a lot of other things. Later in the afternoon Nan, grandma and Uncle Andy came over to have lunch with us, we showed them what we got from mum and dad and sat and talked. At about 3:30 Steve and Sarah came up and we opened our presents from them, Nan, grandma, Andy and grandad. From Nan I got a pink inflatable chair and a gym bag set, from Steve and Sarah I got a Hama beads set and a Sudoku game, from grandad I got a key ring and jewellery and from grandma I got a paint by numbers set with 2 paint by numbers and all the paints I needed, an easel and a picture of what there suppose to be like and it all came in a zip up bag. They stayed and played some games and played with our presents and they stayed for tea. We all had a game of Andrews archery set he got from Nan. They all stayed for tea and went home. On Boxing Day we went around to Steve and Sarah’s again and had a games night.

1 comment:

CJRolls said...

Love those hats soooo much